
Welcome to for the wick’ed & more! We are a candle and crafts company, and we are so glad you are shopping with us today. My name is Patty Jones, and I am the CEO of for the wick’ed. My husband, Darrell, is the President, and our daughter, Abigael, is Vice-President. So, let me tell you a little about our family and why we started for the wick’ed & more.

I was raised by my grandparents, and they taught me to have a great work ethic. I am a crafter and I love staying busy because of this work ethic they instilled in me. I recently retired and Darrell plans to retire soon as well. So, while he works, I am crafting and thinking of things to do to stay busy. I like to paint with watercolors and draw utilizing colored pencils and pastels, but I also like to crochet and make candles. Really, most anything crafty. LOL! Darrell loves woodworking and building things for me, so you might see some of his crafts on the website one day. Abigael loves painting with watercolor and making jewelry. She also loves her laser machine and is enjoying imprinting our logo on our candle lids. She is planning more laser-cut items for the store soon. We are a crafting family!

So why did we start the business? Recently Abigael came home from work crying, feeling overworked, underappreciated, and left out, so we decided we needed to start our own business so she could leave that job. We started by really researching what we needed to do to make the best candles possible. We enlisted our friends and family to test candles and room sprays for us. (By the way, room and linen sprays will be coming soon.) We tested several different waxes, wicks, and fragrance combinations, and feel that we have found the best blend to offer you a great candle experience.

We are a hard-working, Christian family. At our core, we value kindness, curiosity, and laughter. Our home is filled with love, and we are excited to share snippets of our lives with you through this website. Thank you for taking the time to learn about our family and we invite you to explore the rest of our website.

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

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